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Week of Events
Eli Adams, Live at Lebowski’s
Eli Adams, Live at Lebowski’s
Local musician, Eli Adams, takes the stage for a live set at Lebowski's, Jonesboro's newest brewery and restaurant.
Judd Hill Farmers’ Market
Judd Hill Farmers’ Market
Come and shop from local farmers, crafters, and producers at the biggest weekly farmers' market in Northeast Arkansas. Live music and entertainment are all part of the experience.
Drew Pulliam, Live at Lebowski’s
Drew Pulliam, Live at Lebowski’s
Whether writing music, performing in theater, or making movies with his friends, Drew Pulliam always had a knack for storytelling. Growing up, his mother ran a theater in his hometown of Jonesboro, AR and has been surrounded by stories his entire life. He recalls, "I remember playing with my toys on the stage while hearing...