- Amusement Rides
- Animal Fun
- Art Show
- Arts & Crafts
- Ballet
- Baseball
- Beer/Alcohol Served
- Car Show
- Charity/Fundraiser
- Class
- Coffee
- Comedy
- Family Activity
- Farmer's Market
- Food/Food Trucks
- Football
- Guns/Shooting Sports
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Live Music/Concert
- Motorcycles
- Mountain Biking
- Running/walking
- Sports
- Table Top Games
- Theater
Week of Events
The 2nd Annual Friendsgiving at Native will be held on November 13th! The menu features smoked turkey breast plus special guests:The Parsonage providing sides, Southern Confections bringing rolls, and The Recovery Room whipping up dessert.
The meal is buffet style.
There will also be a special small batch b**r.
You are encouraged to come with friends and to make NEW friends.
Profits from tickets will be donated to the Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas.
*Drinks not included with ticket.
Buy tickets at nativebrewworks.com/friends
A-State Dept. of Music: Wind Ensemble And Symphonic Winds
A-State Dept. of Music: Wind Ensemble And Symphonic Winds
Sale Dates and Times:Public Onsale : Tue, 19 Sep 2023 at 10:00 AM
Kids’ DIY-U Workshop: Thanksgiving Turkey Photo Holder
Kids’ DIY-U Workshop: Thanksgiving Turkey Photo Holder
The Thanksgiving table won’t be complete without a festive Turkey Photo Holder, built by your own little DIYer. Join us for this festive Kids Workshop where we’ll provide everything your child needs to create a memorable table decoration that you’ll be thankful to have.